Wednesday, 29 March 2023

Best Funny Dentist Jokes. Jokes about Funny Situations at the Dentist's Office

Thumbs Up Jokes presents "Top funny jokes about dentists." In today's post, we will go over the best funny dentist jokes and funny jokes about situations at dentists' offices.

Most of us are afraid of dentists. What can be scarier than hearing from a dentist that the tooth must be pulled out? Who enjoys sitting in the dentist's chair and having their tooth drilled? But, unfortunately, we all have to go to the dentist from time to time. And what is the best way to cope with something you don't like but must do? That's right! Laugh about it. That's why we are presenting to you a few funny dentist jokes and jokes about funny situations at the dentist. Maybe next time you must go to the dentist, you will think about these jokes and have a few laughs.

Most patients fear dentists, but this dentist found a way to battle this fear. But now it seems he himself should fear the patient.

Funny joke about dentist. Dentist joke about pulling a tooth
 This dentist decided to amplify the fear in his patients and use it to his advantage.
Funny joke about dentist. Dentist joke about drilling tooth

But then maybe this fear in patients does make sense, like in the case below.

Funny joke about dentist. Dentist joke about pulling wrong tooth
 I wonder how many hours the dentist below plans to work...
Funny joke about dentist. Dentist joke about beginner dentist
 You don't open your mouth wide enough - not good. You open too wide - again, not good.
Funny joke about dentist. Dentist joke about opening mouth
 Well, sometimes you can have some revenge on dentists for all the pain and fear.
Funny joke about dentist. Dentist joke about funny situation at the dentist
That's all for today! Hope you enjoyed our jokes. Subscribe for future jokes!

Monday, 27 March 2023

Joke Of The Day – Know The Many Ways It Can Lift Your or Anyone Else’s Mood!


Do you have a habit of reading funny gags first thing in the morning? You are not alone. There are many who like to read a funny piece or a joke every day. It may be in the morning or before going to sleep. There are reasons why a gag is always welcome in a conversation. Most people use a gag or sarcasm as the perfect way to start a conversation. Do you know why? Because it has the capacity to lift the mood instantly. Hurry on and recognize the ways a gag help you and others! 


The morning grumpiness – Beat with laughter!


Not everyone is a morning person. And with the fast-paced life, it is impossible for people to wake up in the morning with a happy face. Therefore, the morning mood of most people is grumpy and sad. Reading the Joke of the Day from a daily subscription model from could be the best thing to start your day.


Say sorry or apologize with a joke.


Do you need to apologize to your friend, partner, or colleague? There could be no better way to say sorry to a person than a joke. If you want to say sorry to a dear one, apologize first. The best way to end an apology conversation with the person you are talking to is by cracking a joke. And what could be better than the Joke of the Day? Try it on someone and recognize the impact it creates on the other person in making the mood happy and bright.

Beat the tiredness and exhaustion with a smile!


Do you know what could help after a tiring day at the office? A good laugh with your colleagues could be the best way to end the day on a high note. And there could be no better choice than a funny joke that you read at the beginning of the day. A joke that is termed as the best of the day is loved by all! So, you can always share the joke with your friends, family members, or colleague after an exhausting day to bring a smile to your and everyone else’s face.


Share and spread the joy – Have a good laugh!


Sometimes you have to make an announcement to a group or talk to someone you hardly know! In such times, sharing a joke could be the best conversation starter, and enhances your confidence level. How? Because a smile on the other person’s face acts as the best motivation to keep the conversation going. Therefore, you can spread joy and share a laugh with the other person in the room to enhance the vibe.


Subscribe and get a constant supply of gags!


How do you always keep a ready stock of the best gags? The only way to ensure it is by subscribing to a daily email for the best jokes. You can read them in the morning or any time of the day to enhance your stock of gags. They do not let the constant supply of jokes stop and help you by cheering you and everyone else!

Monday, 13 March 2023

Best jokes about COVID - Thumbs Up Jokes


Thumbs Up Jokes Presents: Jokes about COVID!

At Thumbs Up Jokes we will present to you jokes from different topics. This week's topic is COVID. Now that COVID is (hopefully) almost over we can look back and joke a bit about it to remember the days we sat in our holes and were afraid to meet.

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